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En1- ComColors training - Know yourself better to communicate better

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Durée du module: 1 minute(s)
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Communication filters

As we perceive the world through our filter of perception, we communicate with this same filter

As we perceive the world through our filter of perception, we communicate with this same filter

It is therefore possible to identify the way in which we communicate by observing 3 criteria: 

  • The verbal: these are the words
  • The para-verbal: everything that is around the voice: the timbre, the rhythm of the voice, the sound level, etc…< /li>
  • Non-verbal: everything that concerns the body, its functioning, its movements and facial expressions

Each personality type will therefore have a consistency of behavior linked to its expression (its communication filter) with:

  • specific words
  • a more or less modulated voice
  • more or less important gestures


These 3 criteria were highlighted by Merhabian in 1971

The works of Merhabian

His work consisted of asking actors to say very aggressive things to an audience with very pleasant gestures and voice, then reversing by saying pleasant things with an aggressive voice and gesture.

From this experience he will emerge three criteria on the impact of the message:  

  • Verbal: these are the words
  • Para-verbal: everything that is around the voice: the timbre, the rhythm of the voice, the sound level, etc…
  • Non-verbal: everything concerning the body, its functioning, its expressions and facial expressions

Measuring the impact of the message in this experiment gives the following results: 7% for the verbal, 38% for the para-verbal and 55% for the non-verbal.

The character of Droopy illustrates very well the dissonance between words and the expression of the body and the voice: “You know what?, I’m Happy!

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