Life positions

The concept of life positions is central to the ComColors model because it gives the training its meaning: the aim of this training is to enable you to develop the ++ position. In this training course, we set out to discover how you operate, with the aim of uncovering your strengths. The more you are aware of your strengths and what motivates you, the more you will be able to live the positive side of your personality type. So we’re not going to correct or improve who you are, but we are going to help you become aware of how you function so that you can give yourself even more permission to be the person you are. Learning to develop the ++ life position gives you the opportunity to live your potential in a positive way.

The presentation of life positions serves this objective.

Warning: don’t confuse ++ life positions with ++ relationships. These are two very different things. When we talk about life positions, we’re only talking about the individual’s internal perception of themselves. The quality of the relationship is a consequence of each individual’s life position.
