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Motivation in the ComColors model
When we do an activity, we are interested in the results
- The schema differentiates between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
- It allows us to introduce the idea of self-determination as a factor in motivation.
- It allows us to distinguish between motivation related to the activity and motivation related to my way of doing the activity, which is closely linked to personality types.
- If we can do the activity our own way (even if we didn’t choose the activity), in line with our personality type, our motivation is strong, because it basically places us at the highest level of motivation – “I am”.
- Modern approaches to management base themselves on this recent understanding of motivation.
*Note – motivation related to an activity is based on the following study of motivation by Deci and Ryan:
Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior (Perspectives in Social Psychology) by Edward Deci & Richard M. Ryan
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